May 21, 2010


It's May.  The month for end of the year band concerts, programs, class field trips, awards assemblies, band banquets, field days--and two soccer parties thrown in there too. . . Did I miss anything?

And don't forget the usual stuff like scout activities and camp-outs, cub scouts, piano lessons.  And this year lots of baseball games (this is a baseball town and it has been in full swing since the middle of April). 

Cameron did very well and was oh so cute in his little pre-school program.  He stood up on the 'stage' and sang songs with the rest of the pre-school.   

The band concerts for both Dustin and Brennen were on the same night at the same time in different places.  (You would think there would be better planning there). I took the little boys with me to Dustin's and Scott took Janessa with him to Brennen's.  Divide and conquer.

During the band banquet, Dustin was named section leader next year for what he refers to as "pit"--or the percussion ensemble of the marching band that doesn't march.  The marimba and xylophone and a bunch of other instruments that I don't know the names of. 
Janessa and Andy had a great time at field day.  And so did Cameron and I. 

rope climbing...

Cup Stacking

Cameron and the BIG ball

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